Mount Sinai – Fuel Oil Tank System


Mount Sinai Health System


Astoria, NYC

Services Provided:

UST Design
Fuel Oil System
Piping Design

Underground Storage Tank (UST) System Design

CORE was retained by the Mount Sinai Health System to provide a revised design for the installation of two (2) 15,000 gallon fiberglass fuel oil tanks for the onsite emergency generator. The original fuel oil piping design was revised and updated to be in conformance with Chapter 13 of the NYC Mechanical Code, NFPA 31, and 6 NYCRR Part 613.

CORE prepared engineering drawings to update the fuel oil piping layout from the underground storage tanks sumps to the building foundation wall. Double wall Ameron LCX fiberglass piping and fittings were utilized with flexible pipe connections where required. Details were provided for correct wall and sump pipe termination fittings. The remote fill orginially in the design was revised to a direct fill with a EBW 75 spill containers and OPW 61fstop overfill prevention valves. The design also included adding antisphon valves to the fuel oil supply piping and interstital and sump leak sensors. CORE provided on-site inspection services to ensure the fuel oil piping and sumps were installed per the updated and approved contract drawings.