NYC School Construction Authority


NYC School Construction Authority


Long Island City, NY

Services Provided:

Quality Assurance Plan
Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Surveys
Abatement Design
Project Monitoring
Containment Area Inspection and Testing
Ambient and Personnel Air Monitoring
Project Reporting

Asbestos, Lead, Mold And PCB Environmental Survey Consulting Services

CORE is providing environmental consulting, survey, design, project/air monitoring, and sample analysis services to the Industrial and Environmental Hygiene (IEH) Division of the NYC School Construction Authority. The necessary investigatory and remedial actions can result in the potential for lead disturbances and asbestos abatement that must be mitigated to assure the health and safety of the students, faculty, staff, contractors, and the communities where schools are located. CORE was awarded our first contract in 2009 and have successfully performed services for NYCSCA for several years. Our current contract (#C000014026) is a two year term agreement. All contracts included the following services:

  • Asbestos survey, design, and abatement monitoring
  • Contractor oversight
  • Final reports
  • Mold inspections and abatement designs, industrial hygiene monitoring and remediation contract administration
  • Lead based paint inspections utilizing XRF instruments and bulk samples, dust sampling and analysis, report preparation
  • PCB’s in caulk sampling and analysis and PCB’s in soil sampling and analysis
  • Soil remediation oversight

Our talented multi-disciplinary staff prepares cost estimates, reviews contractor’s schedules, reviews accident prevention programs, prepares Safety Inspection Reports and reviews contractors’ value engineering change proposals. Lead and asbestos inspection and monitoring services are conducted by NYCDEP and NYSDOL certified and trained personnel.