Phase I, II, III Environmental Site Assessments

Delve Deeper, Discover More: Charting the Environmental Footprint

Before embarking on any land development or acquisition, understanding its environmental state is crucial. Phase I, II, & III Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are essential steps in evaluating potential environmental liabilities. At CORE Environmental Solutions, we meticulously execute these assessments, offering detailed insights and unambiguous findings.

Phase I ESA: Preliminary Survey

An essential first step, Phase I ESA evaluates historical and current land uses, seeking any evidence of potential environmental contamination without any physical testing.

Service Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Historical Review: Delve into past land usage, aerial photographs, and property records.
  • Site Reconnaissance: On-site visits to observe present conditions and any signs of potential contamination.
  • Stakeholder Interviews: Engage with property owners, occupants, and local authorities for pertinent information.

Phase II ESA: Confirmatory Testing

If Phase I findings indicate potential concerns, Phase II ESA involves laboratory testing of soil, groundwater, and building materials to confirm the presence and extent of contamination.

Service Highlights:

  • Soil and Groundwater Sampling: Extract samples from strategic locations to analyze potential contaminants.
  • Laboratory Analysis: Utilize state-of-the-art lab facilities to determine contaminant types and concentrations.
  • Geophysical Surveys: Optionally employ tools like ground-penetrating radar to detect buried objects or tanks.

Phase III ESA: Remediation Planning

When contamination is confirmed, Phase III ESA focuses on developing and implementing strategies to mitigate environmental hazards, safeguarding public health and the environment.

Service Highlights:

  • Detailed Contamination Mapping: Establish the full scope and spread of contaminants.
  • Remediation Strategy Development: Craft effective, site-specific strategies to address contamination.
  • Regulatory Liaison: Engage with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure compliance and seek necessary permits.

Why Trust CORE for Your ESAs?

  • Depth of Expertise: With a seasoned team of environmental scientists, geologists, and engineers, we ensure each assessment phase is executed flawlessly.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Employing the latest tools and techniques guarantees accurate and timely findings.
  • Transparent Reporting: Comprehensive, easy-to-understand reports equip you with all the information you need.
  • Ethical Practices: Our commitment to the environment ensures unbiased assessments and sustainable remediation approaches.

An Investment in Knowledge for a Safer Future

Environmental Site Assessments aren't just regulatory requirements; they are instrumental in ensuring land and property investments are sound and free from lurking environmental liabilities. With CORE Environmental Solutions, take confident steps towards a clearer, safer tomorrow.

Illuminate potential environmental concerns with precision and clarity. Begin your journey with CORE today.