Walden Park


Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency


Buffalo, NY

Services Provided:

Site-Specific HASP
Site-Specific QAPP
Soil Borings
Phase II Report

Phase II Environmental Site Investigation

CORE completed a Phase II Environmental Site Investigation for the Walden Park property located at 25 Bakos Boulevard in Buffalo, New York. Walden Park is a municipally-owned City of Buffalo park that is comprised of baseball diamonds, a soccer/football field, paved walking areas, gazebos, and other small miscellaneous buildings.

Prior to initiating field activities, CORE prepared a Site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) detailing on-Site safety procedures. Upon approval of the HASP, CORE prepared a Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) Work Plan and Site-specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). All documents were submitted to the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (BURA) for approval.

The ESI included the installation of 10 soil borings and 5 test pits to delineate areas of historical landfilling associated with a railroad yard adjacent to the southern property boundary. Surface soil and subsurface soil samples were collected at each boring and test pit location for laboratory analysis. Surface soil samples were analyzed for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Title 6 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (6 NYCRR) Part 375 semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), Part 375 pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and Part 375 metals. Deeper soil samples were analyzed for Part 375 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Part 375 SVOCs, Part 375 pesticides and PCBs, and Part 375 metals.

Upon receipt of laboratory analytical data, CORE prepared a Phase II ESI Report detailing field activities, analytical results, and findings and conclusions. The report included tabulated analytical summaries, Site figures, and boring logs.

Results of the Phase II ESI indicated that surface and subsurface soil at several sample locations exceeded the applicable Part 375 Restricted Residential Soil Cleanup Objectives (SCOs) for several SVOCs, particularly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - common constituents in urban fill. Soil samples were also compared to Protection of Groundwater SCOs as a perched water table was encountered in several boring and test pit locations. Given the use of the Site as a City park, and the recognized exposure risk associated with exceedences in surface soil samples, CORE concluded that a Supplemental Phase II ESI and Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) should be performed.