Fort Hamilton

United States Army Garrison
Brooklyn, NY
Services Provided:
Soil Boring and Monitoring Well
Environmental Screening
Sampling and Data Analysis
Contamination Assessment
Remedial Options
Cost Estimates
Final Report Preparation
Phase II Environmental Site Investigation
Fort Hamilton is home to the Headquarters of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Atlantic Division, the New York City Army Recruiting Battalion, Army Reserve, Army National Guard and Air National Guard elements. CORE was contracted to complete environmental site sampling. The investigative work was located at the vicinity of former Buildings 103 and 107. CORE provided all labor, materials, equipment and oversight to complete 12 soil and 12 groundwater samples to be analyzed by a certified laboratory.
CORE performed seven (7) soil borings from former Building 103 gasoline storage tank site and recorded photo ionization detector (PID) levels. CORE collected one soil sample at the highest recorded PID concentration of total orgaic vapors, and one soil sample at the water table for a total of fourteen (14) soil samples, two soil samples per boring. CORE also collected one groundwater sample per boring for a total of seven (7) groundwater samples.
CORE performed five (5) soil borings from former Building 107 fuel oil storage tank area. CORE collected one soil sample at the highest recorded PID concentration of total organic vapors, and one soil sample at the water table for a total of ten (10) soil samples, two soil samples per boring. CORE collected one groundwater sample (at groundwater) per boring for a total of five (5) groundwater samples.
The soil and groundwater samples were tested using EPA methods 8260 and 8270, for parameters identified in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Table CP-51. CORE prepared a report with boring logs, sampling logs, data tables with comparison to appropriate standards, criteria and guidance values (SCGs).
After a review of the data collected during the subsurface investigation, CORE prepared an opinion to determine if underground storage tank (UST) and/or historical activities on this base had an environmental impact on subsurface soil, and or groundwater. CORE noted that the soil near building 103 was free of contamination and recommended that further investigation be performed near building 107 to determine the extent of contamination.