Buffalo Public School 94


Cannon Design


Buffalo, NY

Services Provided:

Asbestos Survey
Asbestos Bulk Sample Collection
Abatement Design and Specifications
Abatement Cost Estimates

Hazardous Materials Inspection And Abatement Design

CORE performed Hazardous Materials Survey, Sampling and Abatement Design at West Hertel Academy (Buffalo Public School #94) in Buffalo, New York prior to heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) system upgrades. First CORE, in conjunction with Aurora Environmental, completed a comprehensive inspection for suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM). The inspection included all accessible interior spaces, building envelopes, and exterior vents. Inspections were performed by inspectors who are licensed by the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to conduct asbestos inspections and collect material bulk samples. The inspections were conducted in accordance with guidelines set forth in Chapter 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 763 (40 CFR 763) and New York Code Rule 56. Bulk samples were collected from suspect ACM within each homogeneous area identified. The location of all suspect ACM at the project site was mapped. The materials were classified into homogeneous groups as appropriate and representative samples were collected at a frequency compliant with all regulatory requirements for laboratory analysis. Results were summarized in a survey report detailing the location and results of all sample points, the location of all ACM present, and an estimate of the quantity of each material identified. Some air louvres and the boilers were found to contain ACM or suspect ACM materials. CORE prepared asbestos abatement design drawings and specifications for the required abatement work. The design documents were provided to abatement contractors for use in bid preparation and removal variances.