Buffalo Public School 95

Wendel Companies
Buffalo, NY
Services Provided:
Demolition Oversight
Project Documentation
Field Screening
Sampling & Laboratory Analysis
Data Review: Comparison to Regulatory
Standards Guidance and Criteria
Hazardous Materials Survey & Design
CORE completed a limited survey to identify the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP) at Waterfront Elementary School (PS 95) in 2013. Field sampling of suspect material was conducted as per the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requirements for homogeneous areas in the Mechanical Systems Restoration areas. Following the issuance of new Guidelines for the sampling and analysis of Vermiculite-Containing Spray-On Fireproofing (VCSOF), effective October 2014, CORE completed additional sampling at the request of the school. The new Guidelines introduced two new analytical procedures for VCSOF which would provide definitive results for the presence of asbestos in VCSOF. CORE was able to implement this new Guideline at BPS 95 for the Mechanical Systems Reconstruction, and provided more accurate results than were previously possible. After sampling and laboratory analysis, CORE concluded that there was suspect ACM and LBP located throughout the building. CORE completed a Hazardous Materials Abatement Design report detailing the asbestos, lead, and project monitoring specifications. CORE also completed Hazardous Materials Abatement design drawings and specifications to document locations and methods of removals for abatement contractor bidding purposes.