Hostos Community College

Flad Architects
New York, NY
Services Provided:
Phase I ESA
Phase II Work Plan
Soil and Groundwater Investigation
NYC MOER Submittals
NYCOER Phase I, Phase II, And Hazardous Materials Survey
CORE Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CORE) completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) Work Plan, and Hazardous Materials Survey for the New York City Office of Environmental Remediation (NYCOER) E-Designation Program for the properties at 427 Walton Avenue and 135 East 144th Street, Bronx, New York, as part of the Hostos Community College Allied Health and Natural Sciences Complex project. An E-Designation for hazardous materials was placed on the Site as part of the Lower Concourse Rezoning and Related Actions. CORE performed a Phase I ESA for the properties to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs), historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs), controlled recognized environmental conditions (CRECs), and/or potential environmental concerns (PECs) in association with the target properties or adjacent/nearby properties. The Phase I ESA identified a REC in the form of two former USTs in the courtyard area of one of the properties. At the time the tanks were closed, impacts to subsurface soil surrounding the tanks was identified, and despite the associated spill being closed, endpoint samples indicated the presence of residual volatile organic compound (VOC) impacts to subsurface soil. CORE prepared a Phase II ESI Work Plan that detailed the installation of several soil borings, temporary groundwater monitoring wells, and soil gas sample points, and the collection of soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples to evaluate subsurface conditions on Site. CORE will conduct the Phase II field investiation in spring 2016. CORE also completed an in-depth hazardous materials survey of the two on-Site buildings to identify the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). The inspections were performed in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Guidance for Controlling Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 763 (40 CFR 763), the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). CORE prepared a final report and asbestos removal specifications in compliance with City University of New York (CUNY) standards.