Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.

Franklin Company Contractors
Ronkonkoma, NY
Services Provided:
Site Inspection
FOIL Request Submission
Engineering and Design
Code & Regulation Review
Construction Oversight
Administrative support
Pump and Tank Improvements
CORE was selected by Ryder Truck Rental Inc. to complete design of various tank and pump improvements at the 2075 Ocean Avenue leasing facility in Ronkonkoma, NY. The project began with a pre-construction site assessment and collection of pre-existing site condition information. The project Scope of Work included:
- Removal of two existing 12,000 gallon diesel and gasoline storage tanks and installation of one replacement 12,000 gallon tank
- Removal of one 4,000 gallon existing motor oil tank and one 2,500 gallon existing used oil storage tank and installation of two 2,500 gallon replacement tanks
- Installation of one AST for diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) containment
- Removal of dispensers, islands, and all associated product piping and repouring the driveway between the dispensers
- Installation of new dispensers and islands
- Removal of the fire suppression system on the canopy
- Removal and replacement of the tank monitoring system and all associated components.